SSC Recruitment 2015
Organization Name:- Staff Selection Commission
Name of the posts:-
1.Jr. Geographical Assistant:- 02 posts
2.Statistical Asst:- 02 posts
3.Technical Assistant:- 01 posts
4.Research Asst:- :- 02 posts
5.Assistant Pharmacognocist:- 01 posts
6.Assistant Chemist:- 02 posts
7.Assistant Biochemist:- 02 posts
Total No. of Vacancy:- 12 posts
Age Limit:- 18 to 30 years
Qualification:- Degree
Closing Date:- 13.04.2015
Eligible Criteria for SSC Recruitment 2015
1.Jr. Geographical Assistant:-Educational Qualification:- Candidates should be possess Honours Degree in Geography / Statistics / Mathematics from a recognized University or its equivalent.
Age Limit:- Candidates should have age limit 18 years to 25 years.
Age relaxation is admissible as per Instructions.
Pay Band:- Rs. 5200/- – 20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2800/-
2.Statistical Asst:-
Educational Qualification:- Candidates should be possess Degree of a from a recognized University with Statistics / Mathematics / Economics or its equivalent.
Age Limit:- Candidates should have age limit 18 years to 25 years.
Age relaxation is admissible as per Instructions.
Pay Band:- Rs. 5200/- – 20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2800/-
3.Technical Assistant:-
Educational Qualification:- Candidates should be possess either Intermediate Science or equivalent examination passed and Diploma in printing from a recognized Institution and two years practical experience in Camera Operation, retouching and offset printing OR about 5 years experience in Printing or Camera operation etc. in responsible position after Intermediate Science or equivalent.
Desirable Qualification:- Bachelor of Science Degree and one year practical experience in Map Reproduction by offset lithography.
Age Limit:- Candidates should have age limit 18 years to 27 years.
Age relaxation is admissible as per Instructions.
Pay Band:- Rs. 5200/- – 20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2800/-
4.Research Asst:-
Educational Qualification:- Candidates should be possess Master’s Degree in Geography or Geology from a recognized University or its equivalent.
Desirable Qualification:- Experience in Research/ Preparation of Maps in a Research/Teaching/Scientific or Government Cartographic Organisation.
Age Limit:- Candidates should have age limit 18 years to 30 years.
Age relaxation is admissible as per Instructions.
Pay Band:- Rs. 9300/- – 34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
5.Assistant Pharmacognocist:-
Educational Qualification:- Candidates should be possess a Degree in Science with Botany and Chemistry or B. Pharma from a recognized University or its equivalent.
Age Limit:- Candidates should have age limit 18 years to 25 years.
Age relaxation is admissible as per Instructions.
Pay Band:- Rs. 9300/- – 34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
6.Assistant Chemist:-
Educational Qualification:- Candidates should be possess a Degree in Science with Chemistry as one of the subject from a recognized University or its equivalent.
Desirable Qualification:- M.Sc. with Knowledge of drug analysis.
Age Limit:- Candidates should have age limit 18 years to 25 years.
Age relaxation is admissible as per Instructions.
Pay Band:- Rs. 9300/- – 34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
7.Assistant Biochemist:-
Educational Qualification:- Candidates should be possess a Degree in Science with Chemistry as one of the subject from a recognized University or its Equivalent.
Desirable Qualification:- M.Sc. in Bio-Chemistry or Equivalent.
Age Limit:- Candidates should have age limit 18 years to 25 years.
Age relaxation is admissible as per Instructions.
Pay Band:- Rs. 9300/- – 34800/- + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Application Fee:- Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only) through “Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS)” only. SC/ST/PH/Ex-servicemen and women applicants are exempted from paying Examination fees.
Selection Procedures:-
A. Preliminary Selection:-
1. Usually, the selection to the posts will be made on the basis of an Interview/ Personality Test/ Skill Test. Mere fulfilling of minimum prescribed qualifications etc. will not entitle a applicant to be called for the Interview/ Personality Test/ Skill Test. Commission may make a preliminary selection of applicants on the basis of their educational qualifications, academic records, percentage of marks, etc., and the applicants thus selected will be required to undergo an Interview/ Personality Test/ Skill Test.
2. The Commission, may at its discretion, decide to hold a Proficiency Test in appropriate subject for any of the categories of posts or to make a screening of applicants on the basis of percentage of marks on the EQ, where it is felt necessary, before the applicants are called for Interview/ Personality Test/ Skill Test/Proficiency Test.
3. The Commission may at its discretion, waive holding of Proficiency Test in those categories of posts where a Proficiency Test has been prescribed.
B. Screening Test:-
1. The Commission may, at its discretion decide to hold a screening test any of the categories where it is felt necessary before Interview/Personality Test/Proficiency Test/Skill Test.
2. The Commission may, at its discretion, where it is felt necessary, without holding Screening marks on the prescribed Essential Qualification for the post.
3. Only such of the applicants who qualify in the screening test or otherwise at the standard fixed by the Commission at their discretion would be eligible for being called for the Interview/Personality Test/Proficiency Test/Skill Test.
Recommendation For Appointment:-
1. The Commission will have the full discretion to fix separate minimum qualifying marks in Examination/Skill Test/Screening Test/ Personality Test/Interview for each category of candidates [viz. SC/ST/OBC/PH/ExS/General(UR)].
2. After the Examination (Skill Test/Screening Test/Personality Test/Interview wherever applicable), the Commission will draw up the Merit List on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates in the Examination and, in that order, as many candidates as are found by the Commission to have qualified in the Examination shall be recommended for appointment up to the number of unreserved vacancies available.
3. SC, ST and OBC candidates, who are selected on their own merit without relaxed standards, along with candidates belonging to other communities, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. Such SC, ST and OBC candidates will be accommodated against the general/unreserved vacancies as per their position in the overall Merit List. The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately from amongst the eligible SC, ST and OBC candidates which will, thus, comprise of SC, ST and OBC candidates who are lower in merit than the last general candidate on merit list of unreserved category but otherwise found suitable for appointment even by relaxed standard.
How to Apply for SSC Recruitment 2015
Eligible and interested candidates can download their application form from SSC(ER)’s official website and sent their application on or before 13.04.2015.ADDRESS WHERE APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT/DELIVERED
Candidates their application should be sent “Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission (ER), 23/04, A.J.C. Bose Road, Nizam Palace, 1st MSO Building, 8th Floor, Kolkata-700 020“.
NOTE:- Candidates are advised to post the application well before the closing date so that it reaches the Staff Selection Commission (ER) by the closing date and time. Application received after closing date and time will not be accepted under any Circumstances.
Documents to be attached with the application:-
Candidates shall, invariably submit along with their Application Forms, all the relevant Self-Attested Documents on the basis of which they have given necessary Information in their Application Forms, otherwise their candidatures shall be rejected and cancelled summarily or at any stage of recruitment process. The relevant Documents shall be submitted in a chronological order as per Appendix-XIV of this Notice of Recruitment.
1. EXAMINATION FEES of Rs.50/- to be paid by means of CRFS affixed and clearly cancelled on the Application Form.
2. One recent passport size photograph should be pasted on the space provided in the Application From. Another copy of the same photo should be retained by the applicant for pasting it on the Bio-Data/ Admission Certificate.
3. Self Attested copies of Matriculation certificates or equivalent as a proof of age (Date of Birth), copies of certificates/Year wise Mark-sheets/Provisional Certificates towards proof of Educational Qualifications (beginning from Matriculation Examination as indicated at Column 17 of Application Form) etc. Particulars printed on the back of the mark sheets/certificates should also be photo-copied invariably. However, applicants are hereby warned that any wrong attestation so as to mislead the Commission or to gain access to the Examination, would lead to criminal/debar action against the applicants, besides cancellation of their candidatures.
Further, all original certificates will be checked at the time of Personality/Skill Test/Screening Test, as the case may be, and their candidature is subject to result of such scrutiny.
4. Self Attested copies of Experience Certificates as per Format(Appendix-XIII), if any.
5. Self Attested copies of any other Documents in support of information given in the Application.
6. Applicants must submit Mark-sheets and Certificates in support of essential/educational qualifications and Age-proof from a recognized University/ Institution /Board otherwise their
candidature shall be liable to be rejected summarily or at any stage of the recruitment process.
7. The Employed applicants shall invariably submit with their applications a DECLARATION as per Appendix-II of this Notice, otherwise their candidature shall be cancelled summarily or at
any stage of recruitment process.
8. Duly filled in Application Form as per Appendix-I(B) of this Notice, otherwise their candidature shall be cancelled summarily or at any stage of recruitment process.
More Details:- Candidates are strongly advised to read official recruitment notification for detailed information regarding age limit, educational qualification, last date for application, pay scale, Merit List and how to apply about SSC Recruitment 2015.

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